Thursday, March 5, 2020

Less Stuff = More Happiness English Listening Exercise with TED

Less Stuff = More Happiness English Listening Exercise with TED I think that Ive always tried to be a minimalist. I dont like to collect a lot of stuff. It makes me feel materialistic and tied down (unable to move quickly or easily change my plans). This the TED talk for this English listening exercise is about this subject, and I think Graham Hill explains very well the benefits of simplifying your life.Below youll find more info about Hill, his TED video, and after that, some listening questions. Enjoy!Why you should listen to Hill:Graham Hill (@GHill) founded the eco-blog and vlog, to help, as he says, push sustainability into the mainstream, with a design-forward style and an international, wide-ranging team committed to transforming complex issues into everyday concepts. Its been called the Green CNN. The TreeHugger team was even asked to join the Discovery Communications network as a part of their Planet Green initiative, and Hill now makes appearances on the green-oriented cable channel.Before Treehugger, Hill studied archit ecture and design (his side business is making those cool ceramic Greek cups). His other company, ExceptionLab, is devoted to creating sustainable prototypes think lamps made from recycled blinds and ultra-mod planters that are also air filters.Contact us to take an English conversation class on this TED video. Whats in the ___? ________ it is must be pretty important.Why do you think the crowd laughs at his first sentenceTheres a new industry in ____.What is the new industry?What is the result of having all this new stuff?What did he do with is apartment?Immediately I saved ____ _____.What does that mean? How did he save it?Weve ____ cut the extraneous from our lives, and weve _____ learn to ____ the inflow.How many people can eat in his home?What is his response to his own question, Whats in the box?Less ________equal ____________.Do you believe the above statement? Why or why not?

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